Assignment #11



Oppression mean a cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. The difference between violent and nonviolent resistance is that one uses physical pain towards things/people and the other uses peaceful methods. Agency means the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life. I believe that people should use nonviolent resistance to gain agency because it’s safe and you can make the oppressors feel bad without physically hurting anyone.

To begin with, I think that people should use nonviolence to gain agency for example when a huge group of people protested for LGBTQ right and were able to make Gay marriage legal. A document is about how the supreme court made Gay marriage legal in all 50 states and what a few people said/thought about it. The document is a part of an article titled “Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States”  written on June 26, 2015 by Bill Chappell. This source is reliable b/c it’s not biased and all it does is explain or give information that was given without a personal opinion. A quote from this document is  “Today is a big step in our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry, just like anyone else. #LoveWins.” This quote shows that by being peaceful and marching they are getting close to having equality proving that nonviolence is the best way to go.

Second, I think that people should use nonviolence to gain agency for example when a class did a project to try and help their community become safer and cleaner. The document shows what students choose to report so that it could be fixed and is shows a few weeks later what was fixed. The document is a poster full of data that was created by Fremont High School students in Mr.Muñizś class on April 27, 2018. This source is reliable because it is a primary source, it doesn’t show a biased or personal opinion. A quote from this document is that it shows how many issues there were and how many were fixed and/or are being fixed. This proves that by using peaceful methods it can help make your community a safer and cleaner environment.

Finally, I think that people should use nonviolence to gain agency for example when Malala did not respond violently after she recovered from being shot in the head. The document is about how malala made a speech of not wanting revenge after being shot, but she wanted to keep fighting so that girls could go to school and get an education. The document is An excerpt of a speech given by 16 year old Malala Yousafzai on July 12 2013 to the United Nations General Assembly. A quote from this document is ¨Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group. I am here to speak for the right of education for every child. I want education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists. I do not even hate the Talib who shot me.¨ This shows people should use non violence because it make someone be heard and taken seriously meaning the issue can be solved quicker.

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